Flip Dötsch RIP

Flip Dötsch RIP
  • Algemeen
  • 5 jun 2024 @ 10:30
  • Link
  • Peter van Woensel Kooy
    Peter van Woensel Kooy

    senior redacteur, merk-expert
  • MarketingcommunicatiePersonalia

De bekende en gewaardeerde marketingcommunicatieman Flip Dötsch (47) is heengegaan, meldt de familie. Hij was werkzaam voor o.a. Holland Casino, Social Embassy, Royal HaskoningDHV, Omnicom en Unilever.

Flips motto was: 'Think positive > Be relevant > Share happiness'. Hij worstelde al een jaar met zijn gezondheid. Zijn gezin laat het volgende weten:

'With profound sadness, I share the news of the passing of my beloved husband Flip Dötsch.

Flip was not only a devoted partner and loving father, but also a remarkable professional who touched the lives of many through his work in the past 20+ years. His dedication, integrity, and passion for Marketing, PR and Communication, were evident to all who had the privilege of working with him.

Beyond his professional achievements, Flip was known for his drive to always take things to the next level, terrible word jokes, positivity, his big and kind heart, and his love for hockey, running, cycling, padel and tennis brought joy to many. His legacy will continue to inspire us all.

We are deeply grateful for the outpouring of support and condolences during this difficult time. I invite you to share your memories and tributes to Flip in the comments below.

Thank you for keeping our family in your thoughts.'

With heartfelt appreciation,

Lonneke, Mees & Floor

Op zijn Linkedinpagina kunnen vakgenoten en vrienden een herinnering achterlaten. Hieronder een bloemlezing uit de eerste reacties.


Peter van Woensel Kooy


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